One Holding The Chalk...Usually Wins! (February
2005)Assortment of plays, drills and ideas to
help your program improve. This
month I will take you through some more zone offense and another set play that
we have put in. I have found the need to incorporate a "triple post"
zone offense in order to keep three of my better post players on the floor together
vs. zone defenses. I will use this "triple post" zone offense with the
"zone motion" offense from last month in my zone attack system. When
we have two post players on the floor we will run the "zone motion",
which from now on will be called the "double post" zone offense and
when we have three post players we run the "triple post" zone offense.
Easy enough.
Currently we are 7 - 0 (2 / 16 / 05) using all of the X's and O's contained
in this and previous newsletters. You can follow our Al Rayyan basketball club
progress on this website.
Unfortunately, the site is way behind and has not been updated in quite awhile. I
will also outline our transition game vs. zone defense. Many similarities to our
man transition but with some important differences. We have been preparing all
week for a team that plays primarily a 1 - 1 - 3 zone defense so that is why so
much information this month on attacking zones. Next
month I will show you a couple of set plays vs. man defense with a couple of nice
options out of the 1 - 4 alignment that have been successful for us. I will also
save next month to outline our man-to-man "pass option" offensive transition
system. Zone
Offense (click plays below) |