Speech (May 2003)Thoughts, stories, examples
and ideas on challenging your team to perform at their highest level possible. Changing
things up a little this month with our Pregame Speech section. I
hope you will find the links below to be very useful in the development of your
"total program". I
have included my personal philosophy on many areas of a basketball program. Although
I have used this particular book to send to prospective employers at high schools
and colleges over the years, I also believe it can be useful in developing a "Program
Handbook" for your players, fans, boosters and administrators. I
encourage you to steal anything contained in modify as you like to fit
your particular philosophy, hopes, dreams and goals....use it to help mold your
personal philosophy on the different areas of your life and basketball program.
I believe it will be extremely useful to "revisit" how you approach
the game and how you would like to present your program (and yourself) to your
players, public, and employer (or potential employer). I
have included bellow links that will enable you to download the Microsoft Word
document to your computer. From there, you will be able to manipulate the information
on your personal computer to your liking. I
have broken down the information in this book into several different chapters
or sections. Click on the link below to receive the download. By all means if
you do not have Microsoft Word, try downloading it anyway. Your current word processing
software may be able to "decode" the information and still make it possible
to read and change the information on your computer. Good Luck! At
the end you will see a link for "Jamie Angeli Resume Book". This is
a .pdf file that you may open and view. It was created in Microsoft Publisher.
If you have the program and you would like the original Publisher program, please
drop me a note here. This is the book that I currently
send out for various collegiate head and assistant coaching positions as well
as professional coaching opportunities overseas. II.
Mission Statement
Why (school) Should Hire (you)
Personal Philosophy
Program Philosophy
Academic Philosophy
Goals - Program / Athlete
Communication and Motivation
Basketball Philosophy
Sample Practice Plan
Recruiting Philosophy, Ideas and Administration
Sample Recruiting Letter
Factors in Choosing A College
Recruiting Success on the National Level
Staff Organization
Public Relations
Administrative Issues
Office Operations
Quotes About the Basketball Camp of Champs (or your program / activity)
60-Day Plan of Attack Jamie
Angeli Resume Book
would include a section at the end for your character and coaching references.
Also, I would include an Appendix that would include your resume, and any news
articles, awards, or achievements that would support your philosophy and / or
life work.