One Holding The Chalk...Usually Wins! (November
2005)Assortment of plays,
drills and ideas to help your program improve. No
other greater inspiration to me in the coaching profession than John Wooden. Talk
about doing it the right way! ESPN does a very nice tribute on his 95th birthday.
Click here! Back
in 2002 I put together on paper the "Pass Option Offensive System".
Since that time it has become one of my best-selling books, videos and dvd's.
This past season I had the opportunity to put it to the test enduring a 39 game
schedule as a professional coach here in the Middle East. I am happy to report
that the offense held up just fine, helping us produce a 37 - 2 record, a league
championship and three tournament championships, including the coveted Asian Cup
Club Championship last June. The reason I mention this is that during the season
I decided to "tweak" the offense a bit and included a dribble entry
that proved to be just what we needed to compliment what we were already doing.
So, with that said, I am providing the "tweak" below for the many coaches
who may have purchased the book or video in the past and were not privy to the
updated "dribble entry" segment. Click on the "Pass Option Dribble
Entry" below to see this new addition to the offense. If you have never purchased
the Pass Option Offensive System, you may want to considering adding this "dribble
entry" to your own arsenal as a set play or part of your transitional attack. Pass
Option Dribble Entry
For the next three months
I thought I would open up my "Time-Out Coaches Clinic" CD-Rom and share
with you some important points in three areas: Coaching, defensive drills and
offensive drills. Each month for the next three months
we will break the "Last One Holding The Chalk" segment down into four
areas: 1) Coaching advice and tips 2)
"Must have" defensive drills 3) "Must
have" offensive drills, and 4) "Must have"
shooting drills. Again, I am not claiming ownership
to this information, only sharing with you some of the tips and drills I like
and / or have used presented by the Time-out Coaching Clinic series. Coaching
Principles, Part I
have" defensive drills, Part I Help
defense #1 Help
defense #2 Post
defense #1 Post
defense #2 Post
defense #3 Defending
screens #1 Defending
screens #2
"Must have"
offensive drills, Part I Offensive
Drill #1 Offensive
Drill #2 Offensive
Drill #3
"Must have"
shooting drills, Part I Shooting
Drill #1 Shooting
Drill #2 Shooting
Drill #3 |