Last One Holding The Chalk...Usually Wins!

(May 2009)

Assortment of plays, drills and ideas to help your program improve.

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The Best of FIBA International Magazine

For the next several months we will preview excerpts from the Fiba International Basketball Magazine. This magazine features basketball articles from some of the best coaches in our profession - world wide (click magazine covers to view pdf magazine file).


Topics Include: Mastering the Pick and Roll, Argentina's Offensive System, The Shuffle Offense and Panathinaikos' Offense (23 pages)
Click Magazine Covers to View PDF Magazine File
Topics Include: Ball Handling, The Triangle Offense, China Women's Offense (22 pages)


Butler Half Court Offense

Butler Set Play 1

And many more.....



From the first week of school, Lon Kruger has a coaching staff meeting every Sunday night at his home. This is an important part of planning and making sure everyone is on the same page.

You are playing a man-for-man defense, but have several players in foul trouble. The opponent's best shooter is removed from the game because of foul trouble. Switching to a zone while that player is out of the game may be your best strategic move.

Always know how good your opponent's second team point guard is. If he is a mediocre ball-handler as many backup points are, switch to a full court press when he enters the game and the starting point guard goes out.

When your team is in foul trouble, slow down the game. When your opponent is in foul trouble, speed up the game. Speeding up the game forces more changes of ball possession and therefore puts your opponent on defense more often, the primary reason for fouls.

"The more things we can get kids to do correctly off the court, the more they will do correctly on the court"....Mike Jarvis

"Only praise behavior that your want to be repeated. Never use false praise"....Dean Smith

"If it doesn't bother you, it won't bother them."....Pat Summitt

"I would rather have a player who has mastered 2 or 3 moves than to try to teach him 6 or 7" ....Norm Sloan

Players should be taught how to drive and when to drive.

"In their eagerness to play the game fast, playeres do things too fast or too early. Ex. Coming off screen...better to be late than early."....Tates Locke



When you play with your back to the basket, you must develop a feel for where you are.

I tell players they have to share. You have to worry less about yourself and more about the team.

The toughest kind of player to motivate is the guy who thinks he is the sun and his teammates are the planets and they revolve around him.

The worst thing in shooting is to be indecisive.

All great shooters have rotation on the ball....I have never seen any great knuckleball shooters.

Guys who don't come from houses with three-car garages seem to have a desire to get in there under the boards and get smacked.

When you get pressed, there are three important things you need. (1) You need someone who is good at taking the ball out--someone who can see which man is open and isn't going to get into trouble if he gets the ball, (2) You need a player who can advance the ball to the other end of the court, and (3) You have to have a scorer at the end of the press....when you can convert a press into a score for yourself, then the psychology of the press changes in your favor.

The quality of your passing will determine the quality of your shot....nothing makes attacking a zone more difficult than bad passing.