Last One Holding The Chalk...Usually Wins! (January
2007)Assortment of plays,
drills and ideas to help your program improve.
Ultimate Scouting Hoops Sneak Peak This
month I would like to take a break from the usual "topics" and provide
a shameless plug for another of my basketball sites, Scouting America's Top
Basketball Programs. But in doing so, I would like to provide you with unlimited
access to one of 38 teams included in our "members only" area, Oklahoma
State (we now include Tennessee and UCONN women's programs).
We currently have 183 subscribers in just a few years and look forward to clearing
the 200 mark this coming year. There are three parts about this service that I
think make it invaluable for all basketball coaches: 1)
It is a Lifetime Subscription....your membership will never expire. 2)
We encourage you to share your login and password with your entire staff! There
isn't a better resource on the Internet. You will be an instant hero! 3)
We update the site periodically throughout each season, so the information continues
to grow. Right now, we are up to over 1,000 offensive sets and systems...and counting! Ok,
plug over. Thanks for your time. And for those who are already members, I apologize
for the break from NEW information this month. I promise to bring fresh material
in February. Click
the link below to access all of Oklahoma State's offensive information: Oklahoma