Last One Holding The Chalk...Usually Wins! (February
2006)Assortment of plays,
drills and ideas to help your program improve.
I would like to share with you the current pregame drills I am using. Each of
these have been added to my "Game Time" Book available in our coaches
store (not included in the "Game Time" video or DVD). I use these four
drills below in succession and then go to free shooting w/ free throws. It usually
takes about 15 minutes to complete all four below. We also like to use these drills
in our last practice the night before our game. Dribble
Hand-off Lay-ups Post
Ready Drill Drive
and Kick Criss-cross
shooting The above drills give our team excellent, organized
repetitive work on shooting, jumpstops, pivoting, dribbling, passing and catching.
We feel we get the maximum number of repetitions in the shortest amount of time,
all in an organized fashion. |