Inspire Me (November 2004)

True stories, quotes and information on inspiration, leadership and kindness to provide hope and direction in your life.


Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others?
By Catherine Pulsifer

Why is it that some people move further and faster in their careers than others? What is different about today's working environments compared to that of our parents?

Have you ever had any of the following thoughts:

- "I have the appropriate educational background; why didn't I get the position?"

- "I have all the skills and experience the company is looking for; why wasn't I given the promotion?"

- "I have been here longer than the successful candidate; why did they get the job?"

- "I go to work everyday, never calling in sick; why don't I get recognized for my contributions?"

- "What do I have to do to be successful today?"

- "I work just as hard as everybody else; why didn't I get as big a raise?"

These thoughts are common to a lot of people. So what makes the difference? I see three qualities that explain the difference between an average person, and a person who stands out above the crowd. If you consistently demonstrate these three qualities, you will stand apart from the rest. On the other hand, I could make a list of hundreds of qualities and skills that you should possess to be successful today. Instead, if you demonstrate these three qualities, all the other qualities and skills you require will follow naturally. We all have the ability to acquire these three qualities; you don't have to be a genius to master them. What you do need, however, is a willingness to truthfully examine your behaviors, have a desire to improve, and take the appropriate action. It is also helpful to obtain honest feedback from a supportive co-worker. The feedback you need from your colleague is how they see you compared to how you see yourself. Putting these three qualities into practice is not as easy as it sounds. It is human nature to fall back to what is familiar and comfortable to us. You really have to work to develop these qualities, and, in some cases, you will need to break old habits. Breaking old habits is easy to say, but much harder to do. And, don't expect immediate recognition after you have made positive changes. There has to be consistency in your behavior and performance over time. Don't think that by reading a book, and changing some of your behaviors, that tomorrow will bring you recognition, or a promotion. Often people get discouraged or disillusioned by expecting everyone to instantly see the positive changes they have made. Allow time to work to your advantage.

The three key qualities that I have been referring to are:

1. Having a Positive Attitude

2. Being Able to Adapt to Change

3. And, Loving What You Do

QUOTES for the Month, from the book, "The Get-To-The-Point Success Reader Volume 1"

"Most so-called Failures are only temporary defeats." Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

"No person can succeed in a line of endeavor which one does not like." Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

"There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim." Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

"You can do it if you believe you can!" Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success

"You will resemble, tomorrow, the DOMINATING THOUGHTS that you keep alive in your mind today!" Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success

"Initiative is as essential to success as a hub is essential to a wagon wheel." Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success

"No one can make the most of himself who does not consider his personal needs." Orison Swett Marden, Be Good To Yourself

"If you amount to anything in the world, your time is valuable, your energy precious. They are your success capital and you cannot afford to heedlessly throw them away or trifle with them." Orison Swett Marden, Be Good To Yourself

"Children should be taught the art of getting enjoyment out of the common things in life." Orison Swett Marden, Be Good To Yourself

"No man can live upward when he is talking downward." Orison Swett Marden, Every Man a King

"No man can pass his self-imposed bounds or limitations." Orison Swett Marden, Every Man a King

"Confidence is the father of achievement." Orison Swett Marden, Every Man a King

"A true Leader asks advice, when he has time to think; but he never asks advice in a crisis. He acts." Herbert N. Casson, Tips on Leadership

"Be self-made—yes. Every worthwhile man is. But don't cut yourself off from the joys of friendship." Herbert N. Casson, Tips on Leadership

"Sellf-development! There is nothing higher than this. To make yourself grow to your full stature. That is the essence of success and morality and happiness." Herbert N. Casson, Tips on Leadership

"The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual…." Samuel Smiles, Self Help

"…The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities." Samuel Smiles, Self Help

"The most ordinary occasions will furnish a man with opportunities or suggestions for improvement, if he be but prompt to take advantage of them." Samuel Smiles, Self Help

"At least ninety per cent of our mental life is subconscious, so that those who fail to make use of this mental power live within very narrow limits." Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System

"You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought." Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System

"Every cell in your body is intelligent and will respond to your direction. The cells are all creators and will create the exact pattern which you give them." Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System