Me (March 2008)True stories, quotes and information
on inspiration, leadership and kindness to provide hope and direction in your
See It When You Believe It ---------------------------------- Today's
Empowering Quote ---------------------------------- "Doubts are
more cruel than the worst of truths." -Moliere ----------------------------------
Today's Empowering Question ---------------------------------- "What
could I and should I be absolutely certain about?" ----------------------------------
Today's Fast Session ---------------------------------- I talk
a lot about momentum and belief in yourself...getting on a positive roll. Because
if you believe that you can do something, you often miraculously get some otherworld
ability to do it... even if you've never done it before. And if you fall down
in your attempt, if you believe that the slip up was nothing more than a delay
instead of a denial, then you'll get back up and keep going. Sometimes,
if the flame grows bright enough, even the very casual observer can notice a change
in someone that switches from lack of belief to out and out passion for success.
If you're not a sports fan, read the rest of this letter and ignore the sports
references. It's actually a discussion about our topic... BELIEF! Last
night I watched the NBA playoff game between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Philadelphia
76ers. The Bucks were up by 16 points! It was looking to be a blowout... ....But
the 76ers never lost their belief. Their top scorer, Allen Iverson, was having
possibly the worst scoring night of his life, but he was an animal on defense.
Their coach, Larry Brown, was imploring them to believe. Sure he talked X's
and O's. I mean, they had to run plays. But he was jumping up and down on the
court. Pleading with his team to keep up the pressure, to run down every loose
ball, to make every pass as important as if it were the last one of the game.
Nothing but emotion. He knew they could do it... long as
they didn't lose their faith. He knew that they were as good as the other
team. He didn't have to explain the basics of basketball. He knew his only job
was to keep their heads in the game. So did he get down on them when they
made bad passes? Nope. He said, "C'mon. That's not like you. You can do this!"
They responded. They started to believe. By the 4th quarter they had
tied it up 63-63. The crowd was going crazy. Momentum. It's nothing but
emotion. When things go right they tend to stay going right, don't they?
But when things go wrong, the same rule applies, huh? The interesting
thing in the game was that as the emotion was exploding for the 76ers, the Bucks
suddenly became doubters... missing shots, making bad passes, and worst of all,
making stupid fouls out of anger. Their first half smiles turned into angry scowls.
It was an incredible thing to watch. They had completely lost their belief in
themselves. It was an amazing display of momentum shift and a great example
of how powerful a force it is in life. Philadelphia responded to all those
fouls the Bucks were making to hit 22 free throws in a row... and won 89-88.
A big lesson here is that you can have a lot of things going wrong and still
get your outcome... if you don't give up. Had the Bucks made just one
more pass, or just one more basket, or if they had made just one less stupid foul
out of frustration, they would have won. When I was selling face to face
every day, it was often at the last second, when I had emptied my mind and giving
my prospect EVERY reason I could think of why they should get my solution that
they finally said, "Well, all right. You sure do believe that you can help
me. So I'll do it." It's at that point in my life that I learned
that I should never give up. Never, Never, Never. Ever. If you can only
take today... ....And get yourself to believe in your ability to do whatever
it is you're doing a little faster, a little better, and with a little more
enthusiasm, momentum will shift in your favor. Watch it work. Soon YOU'LL
go from the scowl to the winning smile. Success and happiness always starts
between your own two ears. Don't wait. Begin right now and throw that smile on,
and keep thinking all day, I can. I can. I can. Every hour. "I can."
Eating lunch. "I can." Before you pick up the phone. "I
can." ....And you will.
Change of Heart" by Bob Perks © 2001 It's
the world we live in that made me feel that way. Otherwise I wouldn't have thought
for a moment about sitting next to that beautiful young girl. My
recent trip to Kentucky ran smoothly except for a near two hour delay in Pittsburgh.
I must admit I have never had a major problem while flying across this great country.
In fact, I believe this was the first time I have ever experienced a delay that
long. But
I always tell my travel agent that if ever I need to be delayed let it be in Pittsburgh.
They have the greatest shops and restaurants to keep me busy for hours. They
finally announced boarding. Now I don't believe for a moment that I'm the only
person who goes through this. From the moment I enter the plane I start scanning
ahead to see my seat. "Who's sitting next to me on this flight?" I wonder.
"Is there anyone in my seat already?" That's happened a few times. "Are
there any screaming babies nearby?" Flight
time is precious time for me. I sleep, write or read. So screaming babies and
frequent bathroom people become a problem. Today
I get to sit next to a beautiful young girl who appears to be about 12 years old.
As I approach my seat she seems nervous, perhaps a little apprehensive and I must
say very disappointed. You see walking in front of me was this handsome young
male teenager. I could see that sparkle in her eye dim as he walked by and I sat
down. I'll admit I was nervous and concerned. She was traveling alone and I was
one of those strangers her parents told her not to talk to. "Hi!
My name is Bob," I said. "Hello!"
she replied without giving her name. Then
we spent the next one hour and fifteen minutes not saying a word. She
was a typical kid. She never sat still for longer than five minutes. Often times
she reached into her carry on and pulled out what appeared to be six brushes,
four packs of gum and all the empty wrappers, a bag filled with jaw breakers,
a tube of rainbow colored sugar crystals and three foot long licorice. Oh,
yes she also ate two bags of airplane peanuts. I gave her mine. It
wasn't until the last 15 minutes of the flight that I heard it. That sweet sounding
Voice that said "Give her one of your books!" "She's
only 12," I argued. "She won't find my book interesting. Do they even
know how to read at 12?" I thought sarcastically. But
again and again I heard it repeat, "Give her one of your books!" And
so I opened one up, signed it and said, "I am a professional speaker and
author. I'd like to give you one of my books if you would permit me." She
giggle a bit and said yes followed by "Oh, thanks!" I
then began to explain the story. "It's
a fictional story based on actual events. I changed the names but basically much
of this is true. My oldest son, Keith had cancer and that's part of this book." "Oh,
I'm sorry", she said. "No need to be. He's doing just fine, thank you. Where
are you from?" I asked. Then
for the next ten minutes this young lady never stopped talking. In fact, as we
were leaving the plane she talked and walked backwards down the aisle. Much
of what she said was all a blur for me after she said these words: "Wow,
I just saw the Hershey Medical Center mentioned in there. Is that where your son
went for his cancer treatments?" she asked. I
nodded "Yes." "That's
where I had my heart transplant," she said with a big bright smile. Heart
transplant. This child had a heart transplant. Then I took notice. Right at the
top of her pink t-shirt, just below her collar bone, the beginnings of a scar
peeked over her collar. This vibrant young, beautiful girl had the heart of a
donor. Obviously a young donor who lived in a family who cared enough to save
another child's life. She
continued to share the details of her stay at Hershey. I continued to listen in
amazement. For the story she told was a familiar one. She was the girl down the
hall we all prayed for. I never knew how things turned out for her until today. They
say some lives cross because they were meant to. This was more than a chance meeting.
I discovered that this child leaving Pittsburgh to go home to Kentucky was a patient
in the same hospital, on the same miraculous floor, at the same time my son was
there. That little Voice inside of me kept telling me to give her a copy of my
book. I argued. The Voice always. The
last words she said to me was..."My Mom always told me that God was going
to call me home but then He had a "Change of Heart!" Do you get it?"
Then she giggled and laughed as she walked through the last door into the arms
of her loving family. I
got it. I heard the Voice say, "Now you know why!" |