Chicken soop
Playname : Zone ob play #1

Al Rayyan Zone Offense OB Play (#1)

Similar action here in our ob play that we have in our zone offense set play.

#3 breaks to the ball side corner area to receive the inbounds pass. #4 breaks to the ball side low post.

#1 and #2 break out to their respective spots in the diagram.

Al Rayyan Zone Offense OB Play (#1)

Once #3 has the ball, #4 and #5 must wait to move until #1 has the ball on top.

Al Rayyan Zone Offense OB Play (#1)

Once #1 has the ball, #5 breaks inbounds to the low post area in front of the basket, occupying the middle zone defender.

#4, at the same time, steps out and back screens the wing defender.

#3 breaks to the basket looking for the direct pass or lob pass from #1 on top.

Al Rayyan Zone Offense OB Play (#1)

If #5 cannot enter to #3 on the right wing he may skip the ball out on top directly to #1. In that case, since #1 has received the ball, the post and screening action would start upon #1 catching the ball.

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft