West virginia
Playname : Half ct. offense vs. man (1)

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

WVU will run the flex offense from time to time and they get into it quickly and easily from their normal 2 - 3 high starting point.

Here we see #1 pass to #2 on the right wing and cuts through to the corner. #4 follows behind and cuts to the ball side low block.

#5 steps out and receives the pass from #2 on top.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

#3 v-cuts to get open on the left wing and #5 reverses the pass to #3. Now the flex action begins from the free throw line elbow area.

#4 back screens for #2 and #5 down screens for the screener, #4.

#3's first look is to the cutter #2. After #2 cuts over the screen from #4, #4 will use #5's screen and break to the top of the key area.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

#3 reverses the ball to #4 on top. #5 after screening for #4, steps to the right corner area. #1 moves up to receive the pass on the right wing from #4.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

Now the flex action is repeated on the left wing. #2 back screens for #3 while #4 down screens for the screener #2. #1 can hit #3 cutting through the lane or reverse the ball on top to #2.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

#4 steps out to the left wing to receive the reversal pass from #2 on top and the flex action is repeated. #3 back screens for #1 and #2 down screens for the screener, #3.

#1 cuts through and #3 breaks up to the top off the screen from #2.

Again, #4's first look is inside to the cutting #1 man and then back to the top man #3 for ball reversal.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

#4 reverses to #3 and the flex action is again repeated (if you didn't already have it).

#5 slides up on the right wing to receive the reverse pass from #3.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

#2 steps out after down screening as does #3 on the left side of the floor. #5 reverses the ball on top to #1.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

At anytime in this offense, the cutter, #5 in this diagram, may fake cutting through the lane and come off the down screen by #1.

If this happens, #1 reads this and cuts through the lane using the screen by #4, taking #5's spot.

West Virginia Half Court Offense vs. Man Defense

The offense continues as usual with the ball reversal on top, #5 passing to #2 moving up to the right wing area.

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft