| 1
3 Pass /
3 Lay-up Drill Three passes and three lay-ups. #1 passes to #3. #2 starts out as well. |
| 2
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #1 goes behind #3. #3 passes to #2 and cuts to the left corner area. |
| 3
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #2 passes to #1 for the lay-up. #2 cuts to the right corner area. |
| 4
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #1 shoots the lay-up. #2 and #3 touch the sideline and cut back to the basket. |
| 5
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #3 must run and get the rebound from #1's shot before it hits the ground. #1 runs out to the left corner. |
| 6
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #3 passes to #2 for the lay-up. #3 continues running out to the right corner. |
| 7
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #2 shoots the lay-up while #1 touches the sideline and cuts back for the rebound before the ball touches the floor. |
| 8
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #3 after passing to #2 cuts out to the left sideline while #2 shoots the lay-up and #1 rebounds. |
| 9
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #1 gets the rebound and #3 has started his cut back towards the basket. #2 sprints out to the left corner. |
| 10
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #1 passes to #3 for the lay-up and cuts out to touch the right corner sideline. #2 has touched the sideline and is cutting back towards the basket. |
| 11
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #3 shoots the lay-up while #2 sprints in for the rebound. |
| 12
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #3, after shooting, runs out to the left corner area while #1 sprints up the right sideline. #2 gets the rebound. |
| 13
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #2 gets the rebound and outlets to #1 on the right sideline. #3 runs up the left sideline. The next man in line, #4, can have a ball ready to start the next series. |
| 14
3 Pass 3
Lay-up (con't) #1 can pass to the next man in line if you want to use only one basketball. #1, #2 and #3 take the end of a different line (rotating clockwise). (Emphasis: Passing, cutting, spacing, lay-ups. Do not let the ball touch the floor!) |