Gonzaga Quick Hitter vs. Man Defense
2 - 3 high set to begin. #1 enters to #4 on the left wing. #1 and #3 cut down to their respective low block areas. #5 steps out on top and receives the pass from #4. |
Gonzaga Quick Hitter vs. Man Defense
#1 and #3 may also look to x-cut off the top man #5. #5 would look to set a screen for the man cutting towards the ballside, in this case #3. |
Gonzaga Quick Hitter vs. Man Defense
However #1 and #3 get to the low block, the play will continue the same. #4 and #2 now downscreen for #1 and #3. #5 can make the direct pass to either shooter coming off the downscreen or he can dribble at the wing and execute a dribble handoff with either player. |